A Merry Month of Cosplay: Our May Bombshell, DannJess
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Every month our staff combs the cosplay community for up-and-coming cosplayers who deserve to have a broader audience for their work, taking into account not only costuming skills and photogenic presence, but also how they use that ability in service to others. Through this, we've not only met some talented cosplayers, but also some fine human beings.
This month we reach out to the southern hemisphere to find a cosplayer worthy of bearing the mantle of our...
Critical Blast Bombshell, May 2021
Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
What is your interest in cosplay?
I make cosplay because I've always dreamed of being a hero, a villain, a video game character and being able to transmit that same feeling to others. When I make cosplay, I am living the dream.
How did you get into cosplay, and what was your first cosplay experience?
I started cosplaying about 8 years ago when I attended a comic convention, and I saw that people dressed up and it was something normal, I also wanted to be able to fulfill those dreams that I had when I was a child. My first character was Superman, and at first I had nerves but, little by little, my fear was conquered.
How has your cosplay evolved since you began?
To tell the truth, my work progressed 100% compared to the beginning. Every day I learned new techniques and new materials to improve, but the change is very noticeable.
What is your "secret identity" outside of cosplaying?
In real life I was looking for another way to be a superhero and save lives, and the closest thing to my dreams was to be a doctor! I work as a doctor in a hospital.
What kind of social or charity activities do you get involved in with your cosplay?
I really like to carry out activities that help people in need -- sick children, abandoned animals, promoting blood donation. I currently visit orphanages and hospitals dressed as my cosplay, and I belong to the 501st Legion (Star Wars), Superheroes for a Smile, and The Avengers Ambato, which are social work groups.
Do you make as much of your own costume as possible or rely on purchased materials -- and is that important overall to cosplaying?
Personally, I prefer to do as much as possible with my suits. I make the suits, the weapons, the masks. A few things I have bought, but I always try to have everything done by me.
What's your favorite cosplay, your "go to" look that you just love to put on and act out?
It will always be Superman. It is the character that I like to use the most and the one that I feel most comfortable with. It is a feeling of pride to wear the S on my chest.
Where can people go to find you online?
I am on all the social media outlets as DannJess.