


Jim Horlock's Novel 'Masks' Is Fast-Paced Ode To Slasher Movie Maniacs

For what is horror, really, than a story about evil of one sort or other?
Halloween director John Carpenter, Fangoria magazine, March 2001

Critics of horror have long asserted that the genre glorifies evil. The argument contains at least a small kernel of truth; unique among storytelling forms, horror—in all its various iterations—almost uniformly places its narrative emphasis, not on the hero, but the villain. Saying that such a perspective glorifies evil, though, ignores a more obvious fact: that identifying with the villain allows the audience to safely and vicariously indulge sentiments of anger, revenge, violence, and other anti-social feelings that would be unacceptable to express in real life.


Izzy Von’s Sequel Novel 'Xmas Of The Dead' Offers Unique Take On Zombie Tropes

“I’m taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he’s taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I’m taking a ride
With my best friend”

— Depeche Mode, “Never Let Me Down Again”

Travelogues are as old as writing itself. From Marco Polo to Kerouac, there’s always a vicarious satisfaction to be gleaned reading of someone’s journey in a land you’ve never seen. This is true even in fictional form, where details of strange fantastical realms can provide much-needed escapism from our own troubled times.

One person that understands that never-ending appeal is Texas author Izzy Von, who returns to the wild world of the walking dead (and worse) she created in last year’s rowdy romp A Dandy Among The Dead in the recently released sequel novel, Xmas Of The Dead, a rollicking escapade through a most unusual zombie apocalypse.


A.L. Garcia's Poetic Collection 'My Split Tongue' Offers Dual-Language Descent Into Darkness

Across the ages, many have tried to answer that fundamental question: What mysteries lurk within the human heart? Innumerable creative minds have attempted to satisfy the inquiry through literature, song, theater and film, but none more so than the humble poet. Oft-misunderstood, derided by some as scribes of pretty, meaningless verse, poets have long examined the innermost truths of the collective human spirit, our desires and hurts, our joys and triumphs and, sometimes, our blackest, basest impulses.

One poet unafraid to plumb those shadowy recesses is A. L. Garcia, whose new book, My Split Tongue arrives February 21st from Quill & Crow Publishing House. Subtitled A Bilingual Collection, My Split Tongue (translated as Mi Lengua Dividida) offers audiences a dual-language descent into the darkest corners of the soul.


The Third Time's The Charm For The New Cucifixion Press Anthology 'Shoot The Devil: Martyr’s Militia'

The Problem of Evil is one that has perplexed philosophers and theologians since time immemorial. The question itself is simple—Why does wickedness exist?—but settling on a single solution isn’t as straightforward. In modern times man’s rampant inhumanity has been attributed to a host of psychological diagnoses, psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, schizophrenia, insinuating that our inner demons are the roots of evil. Religion offers differing explanations: in Buddhism and other eastern belief systems it’s thought that merely existing causes our collective suffering in the karmic cycle, but the Abrahamic traditions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—take a more literal approach, laying the foibles of humankind on a malefic cosmic force. This adversary goes by many names, Satan, Iblis, the Lord of Flies, and his infernal acolytes populate the myths and legends of cultures worldwide: the Slavic vampire and werewolf, the Arabian ghoul, the ravenous Wendigo of Native American lore.


Tyche Books' Anthology 'Hauntings And Hoarfrost' Celebrates Winter's Dark Side

Winter. The word conjures snowball fights and sledding, Christmas displays and lazy days spent home from school. Yet grim shades lurk beneath those cheery wonderland joys. Winter is the time when daylight dwindles and skies darken with overcast gloom. The earth becomes barren, trees turn skeletal, and even the animals slumber. Those long, somber months blanketed with snow and ice, a season of ending before spring’s distant rebirth. And through the ceaseless nights we huddle for warmth and ignore the frightful reminders of death’s ever-stalking shadow…

Few ways exist to combat winter’s dread better than curling up with a good book. One person who understands that fact is Canadian editor Rhonda Parrish, who invokes the season’s foreboding menace with her latest Tyche Books offering, Hauntings And Hoarfrost, a multi-author anthology (available January 28th) featuring twenty-two literary interpretations of the season’s spookier side.


It Was Finally Time for Emily to Write Her memoir

Time for Emily to Write Her Memoirs

by Michael McKown

In the quiet, sunlit corner of an old, creaky house in Pasadena, CA, where the walls whispered secrets of yesteryears, sat Emily, now in her late seventies. The room was cluttered with memories: photographs, old letters, and mementos from a life well-lived. For decades, her friends and family had been nudging, sometimes pushing, her towards a singular endeavor—writing her memoir.

Emily had lived a life that seemed almost too vibrant to be captured in mere words. She had danced through the '60s, marched in protests that shaped the world, loved and lost, and found love again in unexpected places. Her tales were not just stories; they were chapters of history, personal and global. Yet, the idea of pinning these experiences down to paper was daunting. When was the right time to start?


Critical Blast's Top 10 Indie Books of 2024

Top 10 Indie Books 2024

Dozens of books are reviewed here at Critical Blast each year. Given that the site was founded upon the principle of exposing independently produced genre works to a wider audience, most featured books are of a decidedly science fiction, fantasy, or horror nature. This year was no different, and the submissions sent to us for review were as diverse and exciting as ever.

As with any list, some caveats are necessary. First, while it may say ‘Top 10 of 2024’ in the headline, not every book included was necessarily published in this calendar year; some were submitted to us in 2023 but were read and reviewed during 2024, thus making them eligible. Secondly, while we oftentimes review multiple books by a single author in any given twelve month period, in the name of fairness a writer may appear on our list just once, meaning that only their absolute best is chosen. With those things in mind, let our inaugural ‘Top 10 Indie Books of the Year’ countdown commence!


Folklore Takes Center Stage In Icelandic Author Villimey Mist's New Fiction Collection 'What Protects Our Heritage and Other Aberrations'

Folklore is the wellspring from which almost all horror derives. Many of the genre’s most familiar stock figures evolved directly from those superstitious yarns of old, passed down by our primitive ancestors as warnings about the dangers lurking in the dark bowers of man’s domain. The vampire, the werewolf, the zombie, ghosts and ghouls—each began, once upon a time, as tales told in hushed whispers around a campfire, tales that over time become the legends we know today. Every region of the globe has its own distinct folklore, and the horror genre has seemingly plundered them all over the decades for its selfish creative needs, to the point where it seems audiences have become cynical, even bored, by standard tropes and ideas.


M.G. Mason’s New Novella 'Angel's Mass' Proudly Upholds Gothic Literary Traditions

Often unfairly maligned as overwrought, melodramatic, and campy, what we now refer to as Gothic literature began in 1764 with the publication of Horace Walpole’s seminal novel, The Castle of Otranto. Wildly popular with 18th-century audiences, the book created many of the conventions still associated with the subgenre today: distressed damsels beset by supernatural evils amid the oh-so-scary backdrop of ruined castles, ancient monasteries, and/or creepy catacombs. Gothic literature flourished in its original form, popularized by authors like Ann Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, and Edgar Allan Poe, and continues to fascinate the public today through the works of mainstream names like Anne Rice and the independent efforts of such niche proprietors as Quill & Crow Publishing House.


Undying Love Takes On A Hilarious New Meaning In Alana K. Drex and Billy Ray Middleton Jr.'s Novel, 'Oops, I Killed My Boyfriend'

Love. It’s the one thing nearly all of us strive for, more than any personal achievement or career ambition. Undying love may be the seemingly unattainable ideal of Shakespearean sonnets and Harlequin romance, but with the proliferation of modern-day matchmakers, speed-dating, Tinder and other online apps, it’s clear people the world over yearn for the unique emotional connectivity love provides. But relationships are hard enough if both parties are alive and well. When one or the other is already pushing up daisies, undying love takes on a completely new meaning, as Lacey Todd, the protagonist in Alana K. Drex and Billy Ray Middleton Jr.’s hilarious new novel, Oops, I Killed My Boyfriend, inadvertently finds out.


Icelandic Author Villimey Mist's 'Visceral Discoveries', Is A Bold And Brutal Horror Collection

All fictional works are voyages of discovery. The audience embarks upon imaginary worlds, eager yet unknowing where its creators will lead them. Whether it be a slam-bang cinematic spectacle or the more intimate patterns of prose, a certain trust exists on such journeys; our time and emotion is invested in the hope that we’ll be ushered to places both entertaining and enlightening. Sometimes, however—as the enduring popularity of horror proves—those escapist excursions can become dark, dangerous affairs. The fear genre’s wisest creators understand that unspoken covenant with their audience and accept the responsibility, temporarily guiding us through blackened nightmare forests. All we have to do is take their hand…


Jim Horlock's 'Change & Other Terrors' Is Masterful Exploration Of Short Horror Fiction

In an unstable and chaotic universe, the only constant is change. From the collapse of galaxies to the passing of seasons, the mutation of bacteria and the splitting of atoms, cycles of birth, death, and renewal envelop us. People, with our finite lifespans, have attempted to defy time’s ticking hands, through science, through medicine, through construction and art. Yet art is itself an agent of change: each creative movement is the inheritor of previous endeavors, sometimes happily, other times gleefully destroying what’s come before.

One author who understands that transitory nature of existence is Jim Horlock, who explores the theme to its most frightful degree in the new Quill & Crow Publishing short horror collection, Change & Other Terrors.


Izzy Von's New Novel, 'The Jetty', Offers Horror Fans Gory Thrill Ride

Transformation. In many ways it’s the theme common to all horror tales. Through film and the printed page, the human body—nude, dead, mutilated or deformed—has evolved into the oft-fetishized narrative centerpiece, whether it be a lycanthrope’s bestial metamorphosis, Dr. Jekyll becoming Mr. Hyde, or the putrefying decay of a zombie. With a lineage extending back to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Colour Out of Space’, straight through to Clive Barker’s body-modifying Cenobites and the films of Japanese writer/director Shinya Tsukamoto and Canadian auteur David Cronenberg, horror embraces physical change like no other genre.


Andrew K. Clark’s Powerful Debut Novel, 'Where Dark Things Grow', Is Masterpiece Of Appalachian Horror

Rising from the coastal plains of the American Eastern seaboard, the Appalachians are made up of a broken chain of peaks, ridges and dissected plateaus extending from Newfoundland to Alabama. The Catskills of New York, the Poconos, the Blue Ridge Mountains and Great Smoky Mountains are just some of the densely forested ranges constituting the chain, and even in this modern technological age, the Appalachians conjure visions of impenetrable, untamed wilds. The early Scots-Irish, Scandinavian, and German immigrants who settled those rural barrens brought with them a rugged, earthen work ethic and clannish pride for kin, but something else, too: beneath their Protestant Christian communities lurked the folk beliefs of the Old World they’d left behind, sprites and witchcraft and creatures of the night haunting the isolated bowers of man’s domain.


Zombies Are In Fashion In Izzy Von's Debut Novel, 'A Dandy Among The Dead'

Dan·dy (dan’dē), n, pl. -dies, adj. -di·er, -diest. —n. 1. a person excessively concerned about their clothes and appearance; fop. 2. something or someone of exceptional quality. —adj. 3. characteristic of a dandy; foppish. 4. fine; excellent; first-rate. [1770-80, origin uncertain] See also: —dan’dy·ish, adj. —dan’dy·ism, n.

Zom·bie (zom’bē), n. the body of a dead person supernaturally imbued with the semblance of life.


Poets Probe Humanity's Dark And Hopeful Heart In Quill & Crow Publishing's New Collection, 'Renascentem'

Poetry is the music of the written word. Rooted in the rhythmic magical incantations and oral storytelling of preliterate cultures, from the epic verse of Gilgamesh and Beowulf to the romantic Shakespearean sonnets and political allusions of Yeats, poetry has assumed a vast range of elusive, sensuous, and lyrical forms. In Classical times poems were explained in spiritual terms—Homer and Hesiod claimed their writings were inspired by the Muses of Greek mythology—while in western European tradition, the oft-irrational sentiments of the poet were believed to be tainted with madness.


Allister Nelson's Novella 'Earth Girls AREN’T Easy!' Is Out Of This World Sci-Fi Punk Fun

Ah, the travails of post-adolescent youth. Graduating high school, (hopefully) moving out of your parent’s home and spreading those metaphorical wings to soar freely on your own. It can be a heady time, but the clash between that idealized version of adulthood many of us foster with its stark and oftentimes disappointing reality can be jarring; menial employment, asinine roommates, the pitfalls of alcohol and/or drugs, the first fitful stings of mature relationships, all leave their marks, yet also form who we will eventually become.


Horror Does A Body Good In The Ghoulish Books Anthology 'Bound In Flesh'

Transformation is a staple theme of horror. Whether it be the man-to-beast metamorphosis of a lycanthrope, Dr. Jekyll turning into Mr. Hyde, or the grisly decay of a rotting zombie, the genre thrives on physical change. In film and on the printed page, the human body—nude and/or dead—has become the oft-fetishized narrative centerpiece; ‘90’s splatterpunk provocateur Poppy Z. Brite, Japanese writer/director Shinya Tsukamoto of Tetsuo: The Iron Man fame, and celebrated Canadian auteur David Cronenberg have all built careers upon augmenting flesh in any number of ghastly ways.

It’s in that same vein that the Ghoulish Books multi-author fiction collection Bound In Flesh is presented. Subtitled An Anthology of Trans Body Horror, editor Lor Gislason has masterfully assembled thirteen disturbing tales centered on bodily transformation with startling, evocative, and eye-opening results.


Author Tony Evans Tells A Fevered 'Folktale' In His Latest Horror Novella

Horror is a tree with many branches. The classics—Frankenstein, Dracula, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Gothic graveness of Poe and M.R. James—serve as the trunk, and while each burgeoning new subgenre creates its own fledgling offshoot, the tree’s root is undeniably folklore. Many of horror’s most familiar stock figures evolved directly from those superstitious myths of old, passed down through the generations by our ancestors: the vampire and werewolf of Eastern Europe, the Haitian zombie and Arabian ghoul, the Russian child-devouring witch Baba Yaga, the vengeful yōkai (ghosts) of Japanese lore. All originated as warnings about the dangers lurking in the dark bowers of man’s domain, but if, as is often claimed, every legend has some basis in fact, what are we to make of these supernatural archetypes? Are they mere boogeyman fables that have assumed roles in the collective unconscious far beyond their intended purpose?


Ghosts Lurk In M.G. Mason's New Novel, 'Shadows Of Cathedral Lane'

Whether or not one believes in the existence of ghosts, we’re all haunted by them. If not literal spirits, than the memories of those dearly departed who’ve shared our lives: relatives, teachers, friends. We remember their words of wisdom, their jokes, stories they’d tell. Voices of the dead, speaking to us still.


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