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Reverend C.L. Bryant's film "Runaway Slave" is an eye opening look into the African-American community from the perspective of black conservatives. The documentary interviews several prominent black leaders in putting together its case, among whom is the notable Catherine Davis, co-founder of the Black Pro-Life Coalition, who shares some astounding and shocking numbers and statistics. Seeking to dig more into the facts Davis puts forth in the film, we reached out to her for this interview.
So I've had the chance now to watch "Runaway Slave" and found it to be a powerful documentary, an opinion shared by others who've seen the film with me. How did you come to be involved with this project?
I met C.L. [Bryant] at a Tea Party event down in Centennial Park in Atlanta. It was at that time that he told me he was doing a movie, and several months later we were having a summit in Atlanta for the Black Pro-Life Coalition. He reached out to me and I said, "Why don'tyou come to the summit and we can talk to as many of us as you would like, because we have forty to fifty black pro-life leaders from around the country here in Atlanta." And that's how most of us got involved in the movie.
Can you tell us a little about the Black Pro-Life Coalition, and -- asking as a white person myself -- why does there need to be specifically a Black Pro-Life Coalition as opposed to just a general Pro-Life Coalition?
Well, noticeably absent from the debate around abortion has been black voices. In fact, most of the blacks that you heard speak about abortion were pro-abortion voices, and not pro-life voices. Yet in abortion center after abortion center around the country, the people that you see primarily streaming into these centers are African-American.
If you ask the average African-American person, they probably would tell you that abortion is not an issue for the black community -- that it's pretty much a "white" issue. And that's the furthest thing from the truth. Many white pro-life organizations have attempted to reach into the black community, to say, "Hey, do you see these numbers?" But because of how abortion has been framed in America, many blacks were suspicious of the messenger, feeling that the broader pro-life community wanted to pull blacks into it and make it a racial issue when it really wasn't none of our concern. So a number of us from around the country recognized that there needed to be a larger forum for educating the black community about the impact of abortion and what's happening, and felt that those who could best do that needed to be African-American.
So you have some of the -- I hate saying "white" and "black" -- but some of the white pro-life organizations began to hire blacks to do outreach, like Priests for Life hired Alveda King. Life Issues Institute hired Arnold Culbreath and started protecting black life. Georgia Right for Life hired me for a season to do outreach into the black community. And as a result of that, we began to see a need to come together, to unify in our message and our outreach, and how we were approaching the issue from a national perspective.
So Dr. Johnny Hunter, who is over at LEARN -- Life Education And Resource Network -- in North Carolina, and Pastor Stephen Broden from Dallas, Texas called a meeting of the few of us, and said, "We need to have a black pro-life movement, because we are now at genocidal levels in the black community." As a result of that, myself, Alveda King, Johnny Hunter, and Pastor Broden came together and developed a strategic plan, which was announced and launched to the broader black pro-life community in 2008. Since then, we have been meeting regularly as a coalition.
In looking at the Census statistics for abortion, which only details 1990 through 2007, I see that the numbers appear to be down. White abortions are down from 64% to 55% -- down 21.5% by race to 13.8% by race, which is a huge drop. But black abortions are actually up from 31.3% to 37%, even though they're down by race from 63.9% to 48.2%, with the actual numbers only dropping a little bit, from 505,000 to 448,000, compared to the numbers for white abortions which saw a drop from over a million in 1990 to 668,000 in 2007. I guess I'm looking for a reason why the disparity -- education, economics, etc. You could write a book trying to answer that.
I have written a book. It's being edited right now, and it's called The Fight for Life: Taking it to the Streets.
America's dealings with race relations are abysmal. They have deteriorated so much that, literally, if a white person says anything about a black person, even if it's the truth, black people are inclined to say, "Racism! Racism!" It's kind of like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Some of us have cried "Racism!" so much that we're no longer credible.
Now, with that said, with the issue of abortion we can clearly document that it is a concerted, targeted initiative to control the black birth rate. But when we say that, the pro-abortion forces paint us as being anti-woman, wanting to "control the wombs of black women" and that we are "attacking black women," when that's the furthest thing from the truth. What's really happening is that the abortion industry is, by design, targeting the black community in its eugenics initiative.
We talk about eugenics from the perspective of Margaret Sanger, who was the founder of Planned Parenthood when she launched her "Negro Project" back in 1939. That project was designed to hire black ministers and leaders to sell [abortion] as if it were a birth control into the black community. And Margaret Sanger said, in a letter to Dr. C.J. Gamble, that the minister was the man to straighten it out if it ever occurred to any of our more rebellious members that they want to exterminate us. Planned Parenthood acknowledges that she said that. They kind of want us to look at her as a product of her time. They say she did not support abortion and that we're just blowing smoke when we say they have launched a targeted initiative.
However, if you look at the locations of abortion centers around the country, you are going to find that it's more likely than not that they are in urban areas where blacks usually reside. In fact, you can look at some of the documentation that they used to construct these facilities and you will find, for example, like the Virginia Beach Planned Parenthood, use the black infant mortality rate and the black maternal mortality rate to justify the construction of a third surgical room in their new facility. They tell us very clearly that they are targeting the black community.
Synonymous today with "black" is "poor." If you look at the 100-Day Plan that abortionists gave to President Obama during his transition, they very clearly tell you that they want to go after poor, underserved women, meaning they want to increase their services in urban areas where blacks reside. They specifically want to reach black women. Now that's as racist as you can get. And that's why the numbers are going up. But when we say that, we get painted as being extremists and alarmists, crying "Wolf!" where there is none.
Let me draw an analogy if I can here: You often hear of how when Wal-Mart wants to open a new store, the town's frequently put up a protest about how they don't want it built. And, inevitably, the Wal-Mart gets built anyway, and I've never yet seen one of these supposedly "unwelcome" Wal-Mart's going out of business for lack of customers. As regards the building of abortion service centers, even if they build these facilities in demographically selected areas, what's the incentive for someone to actually use them?
Once they build the center in the urban areas, they then begin marketing. I'll give you a couple of concrete examples.
Hurricane Katrina efforts: A disaster for the country. It was very racially motivated. It was horrible. We can all agree on that. NARAL and the National Abortion Federation and several other abortionists like Planned Parenthood, when the people from Hurricane Katrina were being dispersed all over the country, these organizations didn't offer to provide housing or food or water or clothing or anything. What they said to the blacks coming out of New Orleans was, "If you want an abortion, we'll give you one for free."
Tim Tebow: I'm not a sports person. I didn't know who Tim Tebow was, I couldn't care less about football. Suddenly, during the Super Bowl, I'm hearing about how Tim Tebow is going to do a commercial with his mama for Focus on the Family, and the abortion rights groups are up in arms, trying to get people to boycott the Super Bowl so that they won't show this commercial, because they thought Tim and his mother were going to tell her testimony of how she had contracted a parasite as a missionary and they had advised her to abort -- and she "No," and because she didn't we got Tim. So what did Planned Parenthood do? They did their own commercial using Sean James and Al Joyner to, in essence, say it's okay to be a strong black woman and abort your child.
If they weren't targeting the black community, why did they use Sean James and Al Joyner -- two black, male athletes -- when Tim Tebow and his mama are white? They specifically market into the black community. They use language to frame the debate and say, "Oh, black women are going to have more unintended pregnancies," but they drive these women into these abortion centers through their programs that they put in our public schools. Abby Johnson, former director of Planned Parenthood director of a center, says that one hundred percent of their health educators are African-American or Latino. There is no other industry that can have a hundred percent of a race -- let's say a hundred percent white -- and not have their feet held to the fire for only hiring out of one race. Why is Planned Parenthood only hiring minorities to go into these schools -- and they look for high-density minority areas -- to teach sexuality, which translates into "We're going to teach you how to have sex and, oh, by the way, when you have sex and you get pregnant, don't worry about it. Come back and see us and we will help you." But they're not doing that in white school districts. Why is that? Because they're marketing to the demographic whose birth rate they want to control.
I'll leave you with this third example: In 2009, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg gave an interview to the New York Times Magazine, and she said it very clearly -- she revealed the intent of Roe v. Wade when she said it was her understanding that at the time Roe v. Wade was decided, there were concerns about population, particularly those populations "we don't want too many of," and Roe was the case that she thought was going to help us deal with that.
Is there any correlation between the rise in black abortions and the decline in the number of two-parent black households?
Oh, absolutely. And that's the other unfortunate thing we don't talk about. The black community in the 1960s all the way back to when slavery ended, 75% to 80% of the black families were two-parent households, male and female. From the 1970s until today, we see a reversal of that statistic -- now we have 70% of the black families are headed by females.
So of course that's going to correlate to the abortion rate, because many women are using abortion as birth control. If you look at the statistics, the Guttmacher institute, they say that better than 50% of those seeking abortions have had one before. I have met women, and family members of women, that have told me they've had multiple abortions. One gentleman at a trade show told me his sister had eleven abortions. So this is not something that is rare. If you notice, they don't even talk about, today, trying to make abortion a rare thing. It is very common, and the pro-abortion forces are trying to make it ordinary that you would get an abortion. But what they don't talk about are the other effects that abortion is having -- like the extreme premature birth rate that you now find prevalent in the black community, so that those black children that are being born are being born with severe developmental issues, because their mother's uteruses are so weak now that they could not carry the child to term. You see reports all over the place that suggest abortion is a factor in this extreme premature birth rate. You see reports all over the place that abortion is a factor in the mental health problems of black women all across the country, as well. Many black women are becoming alcoholics or suicidal or using drugs -- another side effect, and you see these numbers increasing all across the country.
The other thing that we don't talk about that they want us to ignore is the link between breast cancer and abortion. And what do you find in the black community but an extreme breast cancer rate among black women. In fact, there are new forms of breast cancer that are so insidious you don't even know you have it until you are in Stage 4.
We've got issues and concerns, and it all does come back full circle to the nuclear family -- driving the man out of the home, away from women, creating the culture and environment that accepts that we are this half-step above animals and can't control our sexual appetites, so we can have sex with multiple partners all around the world because, guess what, we have this readily available solution: we can simply abort the child.
They're not talking about these consequence [in classes], and yet we found them all over the place. And we find they are becoming more and more open with there population control agenda because they feel comfortable that the culture is accepting of abortion as okay. Just a month or so ago, there was a doctor out of North Carolina who was ranting at some pro-lifers about how he was "killing the ugly black babies" because he didn't want them to be on the taxpayer's dole. And he said it. You can clearly see it on the video. And there's no alarm, there's no outrage. I mean, I'm outraged, and I'm alarmed, but in the mainstream media you don't hear it talked about that there's a population control initiative. Just like we don't talk about Bill and Melinda Gates' new initiative that they launched to raise money because "there's way too many people in the Earth" or some other crazy thing they said at the Eugenics Conference in London.